Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A raise???

This morning I asked my boss if I could get a raise since I've been working here for more than a year, he didn't hesitate at all and said "well I think it would be normal, I've got to talk to the CEO but you should get it". YAY!!!!

After that he told me that when I asked if we could talk and closed the door he was afraid I was going to make a bad announcement and that he HATED announcements LOL

I don't know when he will talk to the CEO, but I'm hoping to get an answer on Friday.


Canadian Saver said...

Oh I hope you get it!! Your boss sounds great, giving you bonus days off (June 30th) and agreeing to this raise :-)

Canadian Saver said...

Did you hear back from your boss about this?

I have given you an award on my blog if you want to check it out :-)

Frugaleconome said...

I've just seen the award, thanks so much!

Not haven't heard from him yet, he is pretty busy right now so I don't want to be too pushy.